Bijou Phillips backs Mackenzie's incest story ~ Gossip and News

Bijou Phillips backs Mackenzie's incest story

Despite the naysaying former wives of John Phillips, more and more credence is being added to MacKenzie Phillips' sordid tale of incestuous, drug-addled relations and subsequent potential chud-baby abortions The youngest, and arguably currently most stable Phillips, Bijou, spoke up on her behalf, claiming she has known about the relationship between her half-sister and her father since she was thirteen.

Phillips released a statement to the Oprah Winfrey show stating as much, adding that the situation was so gross and scary that she found it 'heartbreaking' that the adult figures in her life would leave her alone with her dad. Oh, MAN. That is really terrible. There's nothing worse than when you suspect/know that an adult you rely on for security and support as a child is aware of a dangerous and abusive situation and does NOTHING to protect you, because they're in denial about their own relationship with the offender. And yet it's a tragic story heard time and time again. Read Bastard Out of Carolina.

Mackenzie says she felt the conclusion of her own sexual relationship with her father knocked some sense into him, and didn't feel he would pursue Bijou, but nonetheless often stopped by to check up on her welfare.

Hopefully, this talk will inspire people who have long suffered with guilt from a parent's unwanted attention, or tolerated abuse, be it physical, mental, or sexual, that expanded into adult years, to come out and confront their demons.

Source : ht*p://

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